Statement of the Aman Women’s Alliance on the End of the Dictatorial Regime in Syria

The five-decade era of the Baath Party regime and the Assad family in Syria has come to an end. This announced the closure of the history of a bloody chapter and the oppression of the dictatorial regime. The history permeated with death, torture, displacement, migration, poverty, and a living condition that turned the lives of millions of people into hell. Syrian women have massively suffered at the hands of this regime.
People of Syria, inside and outside the country, have rightly celebrated the collapse of the regime with joy and jubilation.
Millions of Syrians are looking forward to a new phase in which they can reach their destiny and achieve the aims that they have revolted for since the start of their revolution and protest in 2011 to achieve justice, economic and political rights, freedoms, dignity, and equality between women and men.
In the Aman Women’s Alliance, we stand with all the masses of Syria and the Syrian women’s movement seeking women’s rights. We support their struggle to end all discriminatory laws against women, whether in the personal statutes code, property laws, or penal code. We also support their battle to allow Syrian women the right to grant citizenship to their children and end the marriage of minors.
This legal discrimination is one of the most prominent factors that has undermined, and continues to undermine, the status of women as active citizens in society. Equality and gender justice have to be constitutionalized, and all new laws should resonate with the most advanced international treaties regarding women’s rights.
In the Aman Women’s Alliance, we express our solidarity in securing better living conditions for women in this country to achieve freedom and equality.
Aman Women’s Alliance
December 19, 2024