
Press Release from RFA

Press Release from RFA

In support of three American universities presidents’ stance towards Gaza. Three American university presidents resigned because of their stance in defense of their students’ right to freedom of expression with reference to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. The President of Harvard University, Dr. Claudine Kaye, and two of her colleagues (Elizabeth Magill of President of the University of Pennsylvania, and Sally Kornbluth of President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) were exposed to the harsh pressure from the American-right after giving their respective university students the opportunity to freely express their opinions of condemnation against the criminal and genocidal acts carried out by Israel against the population of Gaza from which no child, elder, woman, international or local organization is immune. The presidents were summoned for an investigation by the Education and Workforce Committee in the US Congress in early December on charges of promoting anti-Semitism. The three academics defended the right to freedom of expression, one of the basic principles in academic work within the university. However, increased political pressure from conservative university funders and lobbies led to the forced resignation of the three female academics. Regional Feminist Alliance – Feminist Campaign to Stop Genocide in Gaza.

Nevertheless, these academic women stood strongly alongside their students, stressing that defense of the Palestinian people’s right to live in peace and security should not be conflated with defense of anti-Semitism. At this time, when condemnation against the barbaric and brutal crimes that shake the very consciences of the world is essential, we, the Regional Feminist Alliance, stand side-by-side with these three academics affirming the legitimacy of their work in support of their students right to express their opinions and positions. We condemn the repressive acts, intense pressure, and silencing carried out by those defending ‘Israel’. In a country which claims to promote democracy, human rights, and freedom, such repressive acts resemble much more a dictatorial regime. We call on all feminist, professionals, and academic organizations to express support for the three academics and for all individuals experiencing pressure because of his/her positions in support of the people of Gaza, who continue to be subjected to ongoing genocide costing which more than twenty-thousand lives in one of the largest mass graves we have witnessed today.

Regional Feminist Alliance – Feminist Campaign to Stop Genocide in Ga-za.


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