
Who are we?

A feminist, voluntary, free, and independent organization formed by feminists from all over Iraq and outside Iraq contributing to a feminist movement in Iraq.

When was Aman Women’s Alliance founded?

Founded in Baghdad, on September 20, 2019, the first Aman’s meeting took place, attended by a number of feminists of all different ages walks of life, announcing the founding of the alliance.

What are the objectives of the alliance?

The Aman alliance strives to achieve three main objectives: economic security, social security, and political security for all women. The alliance views its foundational objectives as indispensable to the achievement of equality between the men and women.

Through what means do we achieve the objectives of the alliance?

1- Awareness: Spreading information of women’s oppression through a feminist lens focused on the righteousness of our just demand for equality, as well as our entitlement to enjoy full and undiminished rights before the law.  

2- Organization: Mobilizing women through campaigns to stress the importance organizing and engaging in collective work. Individual work, despite its importance, cannot achieve our goals of liberation, thus increasing women’s ability to politically mobilize allows our alliance to gain momentum in the struggle.

3- Resistance: Rejecting all forms of oppression and violence, whether individual practices, at home, at work or at school with the focus of repealing laws that supporting gender-based violence, and an outright refusal to accept social customs that humiliate women and place them in an inferior position or as second-class citizens.

What actions do we take to achieve our stated objectives?

1- Feminist knowledge production through organizing feminist educational facilities, a bi-monthly podcast, videos, articles and ongoing research.

2- Public campaigns aimed at reaching the largest possible number of people through social media, in-person and online seminars, and monthly meetings.

3- Organizing courses on the importance of feminist political and social mobilization.

4- Supporting feminist initiatives, whether from young or elderly women, that contribute to strengthening and building a feminist movement in Iraq, more broadly.

What are our some of achievements over the last five years?

  • Organizing 5 feminist schools, and a course on feminist organization.
  • Issuing 13 podcast episodes.
  • Issuing dozens of feminist press releases.
  • Producing dozens of short videos.
  • Conducting various interviews with various media outlets.
  • Writing short or long articles written by feminists.
  • Publishing our first book, “Feminist Visions from Iraq”.
  • Establishing regional feminist alliances with women in the region to defend each other, and provide support and solidarity to each other.
  • Conducting a survey on care work.
  • Participating in feminist demonstrations in defense of our various women’s rights.
  • Organizing various campaigns including against amendments to the Personal Status Law, in support of Yazidi women and their just demands for equal citizenship rights

Where to find out more?

  • Website: https://amanwomenalliance.org/
  • Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@amanwomenalliance4168
  • Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/amanpodcast2024
  • Instagram: aman_women_alliance
  • Twitter: TAlnswy
  • Email: amanorgiq@gmail.com:

If you would like to join the Aman Women’s Alliance, and dedicate some of your time to working with us, please feel free to contact us by email or on any of our platforms.

Thank you,

Joan Mirza and Nadia Mahmoud

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