
The Aman Women’s Alliance press release On:The criminal acts of Israel and its fascist government against the masses of Lebanon

The Aman Women’s Alliance press release on:
The criminal acts of Israel and its fascist government against the masses of Lebanon
Before our eyes and on the television channels, once again and again, are scenes of the killing of hundreds of innocent people in Lebanon at the hands of the Israeli military machine, which has targeted and is targeting the complete and utter destruction of cities and villages and the bombing of homes and buildings over the heads of their inhabitants. It is as if the scenes of Gaza are being repeated before our eyes once again, this time extending to Lebanon.
The crimes committed by the Netanyahu government in “self-defense,” which led to the killing of more than 41 thousand people, nearly 100 thousand injured, and the destruction of Gaza, were not enough for it to start a new attack to protect the “residents of northern Israel” this time, which is another pretext for launching a barbaric and fierce war on Lebanon, which has claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent citizens, in a war to “eliminate Hezbollah and its leaders” or “make the world safer.”
Israel continues its war and destruction around the clock. It commits war crimes against defenseless people, leading to the killing and displacement of more than a million Lebanese citizens who are already living in exhausting economic conditions that leave dire effects on the lives of women, children, men, and all segments of society. It does not hesitate to threaten and promise to “re-change and redraw the political destiny of the entire region,” which portends catastrophic and imminent consequences for the people of our countries.
The whole world must stand against Israel’s war policies that are free from all restraints, punishment, and deterrents, and the global powers that reject Israel’s policies and the countries that support it must do everything possible to stop this war, militarism and genocide in the region. Israel would not have been able to persist in its crimes without the unlimited and multi-faceted support of the most prominent Western countries such as America, Germany, France, and Britain.
The war must be stopped immediately.
International justice must take its course by trying Netanyahu and the Israeli government as war criminals.
Aman Women’s Alliance
September 29, 2024

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