The security forces of the anti-women and anti-freedom regime in Iran have killed the young woman “Mahsa Amini” at the age of 22 for wearing the hijab “imperfectly”, today. She was arrested by the morality police, similar to the “Hisba” of ISIS and the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in Saudi Arabia, and tortured until she suffered a stroke. She died as a result.
We don’t know how many others will be blocked underground for the continuation of a dilapidated and obsolete regime that is waiting to prove with its brutality and terror that this regime is “acceptable” and “normal”, and that the rejectionist voices are nothing but passing tinnitus no more. The Iranian regime uses its cruelty toward women who reject its policy to terrorize others and enforce them to remain silent. The regime of the Islamic Republic knows the influence and presence of women in the recent protests alongside their male supporters and that they are a source of nuisance and a major danger to it.
The role of women and their historical presence in all the struggles and protests that have taken place against this regime is remarkable and the next revolution in Iran will be of a prominent feminist character. Therefore, with the regime’s criminal ability, it seeks to keep women away and deter others from trying to infringe on its bloody rule and power. With this step, the regime seeks to intimidate others and perpetuate its short life.
In what era do we live, so that women are killed most horribly, just because there are tufts of hair outside their veils? Does women’s hair scare them to this degree? The Islamic Republic knows very well that its survival is dependent on the hijab and women’s hair. On the day when women’s poetry is liberated, this regime will have lost its breath, simply because it means that the last decision of the masses in general and the feminist masses against this regime has been issued and is over.
We in the Aman Women’s Alliance declare our full condolences to the slain family, her friends, and loved ones. To all other liberators and libertarians of Iran, while at the same time declaring our full solidarity with all those who call for liberation and equality in Iran.
We praise Iranian women and men relentless and heroic quest for salvation from what has perched on their chests, we praise their efforts in escalating the struggle for redemption from this regime. The reactionary who built four decades of his fateful rule with the blood of women and other libertarians in Iran.
Glory and immortality in memory of “Mahsa Amini”
Death to the murder and crime system in Iran
Aman For Women Alliance
16 September 2022